On every Conjura dashboard, you have the option to create views.
Views are sets of filters and customizations, saved for later so you can easily access your desired setup again.
Any setting you change on a dashboard is included in your view; including the date range you've selected, the KPIs you've selected to display in the charts and tables, the type of charts you've chosen to display, and any filters you've added.
Whenever you make a change to a dashboard, you'll notice 'Save as View' appears in the top right corner, as shown below
2. Simply click on the Save a View text to open the view-saving menu.
3. Now give your view a name, and decide whether it will be private or shared. Private views are only visible and usable by you, while Shared views can be accessed by everyone in your organisation. Hit Save once you're happy!
4. You should see your view appear in the sidebar, like the below example.
5. Keep your favourite views in the sidebar, and hide the ones you don't need as often. Click on the + icon to see all views, and click the eye icon to show and hide your views from the sidebar as needed.