What does Conjura's Slack Integration do?
By connecting Slack to Conjura, we can send daily and weekly performance summary messages to your Slack workspace. These automatic messages are a great way to get a quick overview of your recent sales, marketing, and customer metrics.
Step 1: Connect to Slack
First select Settings from the sidebar, and then click on Notifications.
Here you will be able to see any Slack workspaces that you've already connected, and will have the option to add new ones.
Next click on the Connect to Slack button. You will now be redirected to Slack, where you can review the application's info, and in the top right corner you can select the Slack workspace that you would like to connect.
Click on Allow, and you will be redirected back to Conjura where you can see your successfully connected Slack Workspace.
Step 2: Subscribe to daily or weekly messages
After you've successfully connected your Slack workspace to Conjura, open your Slack application and do the following:
Select a channel (it could either be public or private), then invite the Conjura bot into it with this command: /invite @Conjura
This will enable you to subscribe to daily or weekly messages. You can invite the Conjura bot into as many channels as you like.
Once the Conjura bot is invited to your channel, you can use the following commands to subscribe and unsubscribe to messages:
Once you've subscribed your channels to the message you want to receive, you will start to receive daily or weekly messages like the below:
Uninstalling the Slack Integration
If you don't want to use the Slack Integration anymore, you have to delete Conjura from your workspace.
1. Within Slack, select Conjura under Apps.
2. Click on About
3. Click on Configurations, and a new page will be opened in your browser.
4. Here select Remove App, then confirm it.
5. The Conjura app is deleted from your workspace.