Gross Revenue Definition
At Conjura, we define Gross Revenue as the total value of your orders, i.e. the money your customers actually parted with.
This accounts for any discounts the customer received, but does not account for refunds.
Formula: Product Revenue Including Tax + Shipping Revenue Including Tax
Your revenue is calculated from the orders present in your connected ERP and eCommerce systems. You may have orders that exist in both systems, and you may have orders that exist in one but not the other. For example:
An order placed on a Shopify store that is connected to your Brightpearl instance will exist in both Shopify and Brightpearl.
An order manually created within Brightpearl will exist in Brightpearl but not Shopify.
An order placed on another platform or via a different sales channel (e.g. marketplaces, wholesale) will exist in Brightpearl but not Shopify.
An order placed on a Shopify store that is not connected to your Brightpearl instance will exist in Shopify but not Brightpearl.
In the case that an order exists in both platforms, the ERP system is taken as the source of truth for the revenue generated from that order. For orders that exist in one platform only, the source of truth is the platform that the order exists in. In all cases, we exclude cancelled orders from our calculations.
This article details how to get the gross revenue figure from your Conjura dashboards matching to what you see on the Brightpearl UI.
Brightpearl Reconciliation
To reconcile your Conjura revenue with your Brightpearl instance, go to any sales report within Brightpearl (e.g. the Sales by Channel report). The gross revenue figure displayed in Brightpearl will match Conjura to within 1% with the following filters applied:
Created Date matching the date range you've selected in Conjura
Order Type is 'Sales Order'
Order Status is not 'Cancelled'
The correct filter setup within Brightpearl is displayed in the below screenshot. Click on the screenshot to enlarge it.
A small discrepancy may occur if you trade in multiple currencies due to changing FX rates.
Discrepancies can also occur if you manually delete or manually edit historic orders.