You can find Conjura's Recommended Actions here. These actions are recommended based on trends uncovered in your connected datasources.
Increase Exposure:
These action items are ordered by conversion rate (high to low), and have the following properties:
High Cover
High Contribution Margin
Low Product Views
High Conversion Rate
These action items are ordered by last available stock volume (high to low), and have the following properties:
High Cover
Low Sell-through Rate
Stop Advertising
These action items are ordered by ad spend (high to low), and have the following properties:
Ad Spend greater than 5 USD/GBP/EUR
Last Available Stock Volume greater than 0
Last Available Stock Volume is less than Units Sold through Non-Paid Channels
Increase Prices
These action items are ordered by profit margin (low to high) and have the following properties:
High Gross Revenue
High Conversion Rate
High Units Sold
Low Profit Margin
Profit Margin in the bottom 20% of your products
Gross Revenue in the top 30% of your products
Units Sold in the top 30% of your products
Conversion Rate in the top 40% of your products
Stock Cover in the bottom 20% (i.e. stock cover must be low)
Expand Advertising Channels
These action items are ordered by gross revenue (high to low) and have the following properties:
Units Sold in the top 20% of your products
At least 80% of sales coming through a singular channel
Check Traffic Quality
These action items are ordered by product views (high to low) and have the following properties:
High Views
Low Conversion Rate
Reduce Marketing Aggression
These action items are ordered by ad spend (high to low) and have the following properties:
High Ad Spend
Low Contribution Margin
Drive Customer Acquisition
These action items are ordered by customers acquired (high to low) and have the following properties:
High # Customers Acquired
High New Customer Revenue
High Repeat Rate
Low New Customer Refund Rate
Drive Customer Retention
These action items are ordered by existing customers (high to low) and have the following properties:
High Existing Customer Orders
High Existing Customer Revenue
Low Existing Customer Refund Rate
Inspect Product Quality
These action items are ordered by refunded revenue (high to low) and have the following properties:
High Refund Rate