KPI Definitions
Ad Spend
The cost of your digital marketing efforts, pulled directly from Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and TikTok Ads.
On certain analytics dashboards, ad spend can be viewed at a product level. Ad spend is attributed to specific products using the destination URLs of your campaigns. Read more about ad spend here.
Average Cost Price (ACP)
The average cost of each of your products.
Formula: Total Gross Cost of Goods Sold/Units Sold
Average Order Value (AOV)
The average value of the orders placed in the selected date range. This is the average value the customer pays, including tax and shipping.
Our AOV will be different to that displayed in Shopify because it is the average amount a customer actually pays so includes shipping and tax, unlike Shopify which excludes these. We also remove any zero revenue orders so for example skipping gifts etc.
Formula: Gross Revenue/Number of Orders
Average Order Value, LTV Basis (AOV, LTV Basis)
The average value of the orders placed by the customers in your selected cohort within 12 months of being acquired.
Formula: Total revenue generated by customers in the cohort within 12 months of being acquired/Total number of orders placed by customers in the cohort within 12 months of being acquired
The number of times your ads were clicked on, pulled directly from Meta, Google, and TikTok.
Click-through Rate
The proportion of ads that are clicked on after being shown to someone.
Formula: clicks/impressions
Closing Stock
The number of units in stock as of yesterday.
Contribution Profit
The amount of earnings remaining after all direct costs have been subtracted from revenue.
Formula: Net Revenue - Gross Cost of Goods Sold - Shipping Cost - Refunds - Ad Spend - Amazon Fees - Imported Costs (per order costs for example)
Contribution Margin
The percentage of your Net Revenue that is remaining after all direct costs and refunds have been accounted for.
Formula: Contribution Profit/Net Revenue
Conversion Rate
The proportion of sessions that resulted in a sale.
Formula: Transactions/Sessions
Cost per Click (CPC)
The average cost associated with a click on your ads.
Formula: Ad Spend/Clicks
Cost per Conversion
The average marketing cost per last-click attributed transaction.
Formula: Paid Search Ad Spend/Last Click Transactions
Cost per Mille (CPM)
The average cost associated with every 1000 impressions.
Formula: Ad Spend/(1000 x Impressions)
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Customer Acquisition Cost, or the average ad spend per new customer.
Formula: Ad Spend/Number of customers placing an order with you for the first time
Customers Acquired
The number of new customers you acquired, i.e. the number of customers who placed an order with you for the first time.
Discount %
The percentage of revenue lost to checkout discounts. This accounts for discounts applied at checkout only, e.g. a promo code. This does not include discounts as a result of marking items down.
Formula: Checkout Discount Amount/(Gross Revenue + Checkout Discount Amount)
Existing Customer AOV
The average value of orders placed by existing customers.
Formula: existing customer gross revenue/number of orders placed by existing customers
Existing Customer Discount %
The percentage of revenue lost to checkout discounts for existing customer orders. This accounts for discounts applied at checkout only, e.g. a promo code. This does not include discounts as a result of marking items down.
Formula: Existing customer checkout discount amount/(Existing customer gross revenue + Existing customer checkout discount amount)
Existing Customer Gross Profit Margin %
The gross profit percentage of the orders placed by existing customers including tax.
Formula: (Existing customer gross revenue - Existing customer gross cost of goods sold - Existing customer shipping cost)/Existing customer gross revenue
Existing Customer Gross Revenue
The gross revenue associated with orders placed by existing customers.
Existing Customer Order Frequency
The average number of orders placed by each existing customer in your selected date range.
Formula: Number of orders placed by existing customers/Number of existing customers
Existing Customer Revenue %
The proportion of overall gross revenue that came from existing customers.
Formula: existing customer gross revenue/total gross revenue
Gross Cost of Goods Sold
The total cost of goods sold for the orders placed within the selected date range.
Gross Discount
The amount of revenue lost to checkout discounts. This accounts for discounts applied at checkout only, e.g. a promo code. This does not include discounts as a result of marking items down.
Gross Profit Excluding Tax
The gross profit of your sales, excluding tax.
Formula: Net Revenue - Gross Cost of Goods Sold - Shipping Costs
Gross Profit Margin %
The gross profit of your orders excluding tax, expressed as a percentage of net revenue
Formula: (Net Revenue - Gross Cost of Goods Sold - Shipping Cost)/Net Revenue
Gross Revenue
The total value of your orders, i.e. the money your customers actually parted with. This accounts for any discounts the customer received, but does not account for refunds.
Formula: Product Revenue Including Tax + Shipping Revenue Including Tax
Read more here about how to reconcile Conjura Gross Revenue with your eCommerce and ERP platforms here.
The amount of times your ads were shown to someone, pulled directly from Meta, Google, and TikTok.
Impression Share
The percentage of impressions that your paid search ads received compared to the total number of impressions that your paid search ads could have received.
Formula: Impressions/Available Impressions
Last Click Conversions
The number of orders attributed to the channel or campaign in question, using Google Analytics tracking data and last click attribution.
Last Click Conversion Rate
The proportion of sessions that resulted in an order, defining orders using last click attribution.
Formula: Last Click Conversions/Sessions
Last Click Revenue
The gross revenue associated with the orders attributed to the channel or campaign in question, using Google Analytics tracking data and last click attribution.
Last Click ROAS
Return on Ad Spend, or the average amount of revenue that gets generated per unit of marketing spend. Revenue is defined using last click attributed transactions.
Formula: Last Click Revenue/Ad Spend
Lifetime Value, Contribution (LTV Contribution)
The 12-month lifetime contribution of the selected cohort, or the average contribution generated by each customer in the cohort after 12 months.
Formula: (Net revenue generated by customers in the cohort within 12 months of being acquired - Total Cogs, Shipping Costs and Refunds generated by customers in the cohort within 12 months of being acquired)/Number of customers in cohort
Lifetime Value, Gross Revenue (LTV Gross Revenue)
The 12-month lifetime value of the selected cohort, or the average gross revenue generated by each customer in the cohort after 12 months.
Formula: Total revenue generated by customers in the cohort within 12 months of being acquired/Number of customers in cohort
LTV to CAC, Contribution
The ratio of LTV Contribution to CAC, i.e. how much contribution is gained after 12 months per unit of marketing spend.
Formula: LTV Contribution/Customer Acquisition Cost
Net Revenue
The total value of your orders, less tax. This accounts for any discounts the customer received, but does not account for refunds.
Formula: Product Revenue Excluding Tax + Shipping Revenue Excluding Tax
New Customer AOV
The average value of orders placed by new customers.
Formula: New Customer Gross Revenue/Number of Orders placed by new customers
New Customer Discount %
The percentage of revenue lost to checkout discounts for new customer orders. This accounts for discounts applied at checkout only, e.g. a promo code. This does not include discounts as a result of marking items down.
Formula: New Customer Checkout Discount Amount/(New Customer Gross Revenue + New Customer Checkout Discount Amount)
New Customer Gross Profit Margin %
The gross profit percentage of the orders placed by new customers including tax.
Formula: (New Customer Gross Revenue - New Customer Gross Cost of Goods Sold - New Customer Shipping Cost)/New Customer Gross Revenue
New Customer Gross Revenue
The gross revenue associated with orders placed by new customers.
New Customer Revenue %
The proportion of overall gross revenue that came from new customers.
Formula: New Customer Gross Revenue/Total Gross Revenue
New Visitors
The number of sessions from visitors who, according to Google's tracking snippet, have never been to your site before and are initiating their first session on your site.
The number of orders placed in the given time period, excluding zero value orders.
Order Frequency
The average number of orders placed by the customers in your selected cohort within 12 months of being acquired.
Formula: Total number of orders placed by customers in the cohort within 12 months of being acquired/Number of customers in cohort
Platform Attributed Conversions
The number of orders attributed to the channel or campaign in question, according to the marketing platforms' own attribution model. Pulled directly from Meta, Google, and TikTok.
Platform Attributed Conversion Rate
The proportion of sessions that resulted in an order, defining orders using the marketing platforms' own attribution models.
Formula: Platform Attributed Conversions/Sessions
Platform Attributed Revenue
The gross revenue associated with the orders attributed to the channel or campaign in question according to the marketing platforms' own attribution model. Pulled directly from Meta, Google, and TikTok.
Platform Attributed ROAS
Return on Ad Spend, or the average amount of revenue that gets generated per unit of marketing spend. Revenue is defined according to the marketing platforms' own attribution model.
Formula: Platform Attributed Revenue/Ad Spend
Product Conversion Rate
The proportion of product views that resulted in a transaction.
Formula: Unique Transactions/Product Detail Page Views
Product Level Amazon Fees
The total value of all product level fees for a lineitem in an order. This field is negative.
Currently pulled from ItemFeeList field in the Financial Events stream in Amazon, there are a number of different fee types that contribute to this overall figure e.g.:
Product Level Amazon Refunded Fees: Refunded values of Product Level Amazon Fees, currently originating from the ItemFeeList in RefundEventList in the Financial Events stream in Amazon.
This field is not simply the negative of Product Level Amazon Refunded Fees for refunded orders - they come in as their own values and Amazon charges a separate fee for processing a refund (RefundCommission) so that in general for refunded orders the net fees applied to a business are still negative (not cancelled out to 0).
Product Views
The number of times a product was viewed on your website. Corresponds to product detail page views in Google Analytics.
Refunded Amount
The amount of revenue (including tax) refunded from orders placed within the selected date range. Note that these refunds are tied to the original order date rather than the date the refund was processed.
Refund %
The percentage of revenue refunded back to your customers.
Formula: Refunded Amount/Gross Revenue
Repeat Rate
The percentage of customers in the cohort who placed at least one more order within 12 months of being acquired.
Formula: Number of customers who purchased at least one additional time within 12 months of being acquired/Number of customers in cohort
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
The average amount of revenue that gets generated per unit of marketing spend.
Formula: Gross Revenue/Ad Spend
Returning Visitors
The number of sessions from visitors who, according to Google's tracking snippet, have been to your site before.
Formula: Total Sessions - New Visitors
Sell-through Rate
The proportion of your stock that has been sold.
Formula: Units sold/(units sold + units remaining on hand)
Website sessions as tracked by Google Analytics.
Unique Customers
The number of unique customers who purchased a product. For example, if someone purchased three of the same product across two orders, this would appear as 3 units sold, 2 unique transactions, and 1 unique customer.
Unique Transactions
The number of online orders place in the given time period. This would exclude any orders coming via Offline channels, Marketplaces, Recurring Subscriptions or orders that we haven't been able to link to GA4. This also doesn't include zero value orders.
We use this metric to calculate conversion rate.
Units Sold
A count of how many items were included in all orders. Excludes zero value orders and exchange orders.
Other Definitions
Channels are a grouping of how people found your website. The channel groupings used within Conjura are based on the connected marketing platforms and data in Google Analytics.
Channel Definitions
Channel Definitions
Affiliates: Traffic from affiliate marketing efforts. Affiliate marketing is when a third party drives traffic to your site in exchange for a fee e.g. AWIN or Webgains.
Direct: Traffic from users who arrive directly at your website domain. In addition, if Google Analytics can’t recognise the traffic source of a visit, it will be categorised as Direct.
Display Ads: Traffic directed to your website through a banner ad.
Email: Traffic from users who arrived at your website by clicking on a link in an email.
Influencers: Traffic from influencer marketing efforts. Influencer marketing involves endorsements and product placements from influencers on social media.
None: Orders which take place outside of your website. This can include third party platforms such as Amazon or Ebay as well as offline orders.
Organic Social: Traffic from users who arrive at your website through social network content that is not influenced by paid marketing.
Organic Search: Traffic from a search engine result that is not influenced by paid marketing.
Other: Traffic which does not match the definitions for any of the channel groupings in this list. It is therefore grouped into the 'Other' category.
Paid Search - Branded: Traffic directed to your website through a search engine ad appearing for branded search term (for example, searches for your brand name).
Paid Search - Generic: Traffic directed to your website through a search engine ad appearing for non-branded search term (i.e. a search term that does not include your brand name).
Paid Search - Shopping: Traffic directed to your website through a search engine shopping ad.
Paid Social: Traffic directed to your website through paid advertising content on third-party social networking platforms. This includes Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger.
Performance Max Campaigns: Traffic directed to your website through a Google Performance Max ad.
Referral: Traffic from users who arrive at your site from a third party site which is not a search engine, a social network or an affiliate site.
Unknown: Orders where it could not be determined whether they occurred offline or online.
Untracked eCommerce: Orders which exist in Shopify/Bigcommerce but have no corresponding eCommerce transaction in Google Analytics. No online traffic channel can therefore be attributed to these orders.
Video Ads: Traffic directed to your website through video ads on YouTube and the Google Display Network.
IP-based location is used to determine the territory of the user who is visiting your website. Any territories with less than 5% of transactions or any that have more than 5% but sit outside the top ten territories for transactions will be aggregated into "Other".